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Unlocking Assertiveness: Seven Steps to Boost Your Confidence

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Everyone desires more confidence, yet you may find it challenging to practice assertiveness, because it can be intimidating.

Assertiveness is not just about speaking up; it's a skill that empowers you to express your needs and desires clearly and respectfully. By mastering this, you can increase your chances of achieving your goals! That's why it's worth it.

Here are seven straightforward ways to enhance your assertiveness:

Recognize Assertiveness as a Skill: Just like any other skill, assertiveness can be learned and developed, so if you don't have it - don't think it's because you weren't "born with it". Understanding this is the first step toward becoming more assertive. It's not about being aggressive; it's about being confident and clear in your communication.

Communicate Respectfully Respect is key in any communication, and it doesn't always work out that way - we've all been there. Pay close attention to both your verbal and non-verbal cues. Ensure that your body language aligns with your words, conveying a consistent and respectful, yeah...maybe don't throw your arms around and point ferociously at another.

Acknowledge Different Perspectives: It's important to recognize and accept that others may have different viewpoints. It's tough. We sometimes want to debate instead of accept. Understanding these differences can help you communicate more effectively and avoid unnecessary conflicts.

Use Clear and Direct Language: When expressing your thoughts, avoid accusatory or guilt-inducing language. Be simple, direct, and concise, focusing on stating what is true for you. This clarity helps in conveying your message without causing misunderstandings.

An accusatory approach would be, "You never get your work done on time. It's really frustrating and unprofessional. Why can't you just stick to the schedule like everyone else?"

A clear approach would be, "I noticed that the last few deadlines have been missed, which has impacted our project's timeline. It's important for me that we meet our deadlines to ensure everything runs smoothly. How can we work together to address this issue?"

Utilize "I Statements": "I statements" are a powerful tool in assertive communication. They allow you to express your feelings and thoughts without sounding confrontational. For example, say, "I feel concerned when deadlines are missed," instead of, "You always miss deadlines."

Maintain Composure: Staying calm is crucial when expressing yourself. It helps in delivering your message more effectively and prevents the conversation from escalating into an argument.

Set and Uphold Boundaries Setting boundaries is essential in assertiveness. When faced with a demand, remember that everyone, including you, has the right to decline. You can say "no" without needing to justify your decision. Make it clear that it's the demand you're rejecting, not the person. Once you've made a decision, stick to it. This consistency teaches others that your boundaries are firm, though it's also okay to change your mind if circumstances change.

You can cultivate assertiveness and boost your confidence, helping you navigate various situations with clarity and respect. Remember, it is is a skill that can be developed over time...and it will lead to more fulfilling and authentic interactions.

Want more confidence? Start by downloading my interactive eBook and Workbook 7 Secrets To Manifesting Success With Confidence HERE


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