Do Any of These Resonate With You?

  • Do you feel like life is passing you by, while others fearlessly chase their dreams?
  • Do you beat yourself up over mistakes or failures, instead of seeing them as opportunities to grow and succeed?
  • Do you feel unhappy or dissatisfied, even when things seem to be going pretty well?
  • Do you stay silent when you have something to say, fearing judgment or rejection?
  • Do you struggle to speak with authority or feel like your voice doesn’t matter?
  • Do you find it hard to stay consistent, reliable, or on time, even when you want to be?
  • Do you feel jealous or resentful when others succeed, instead of celebrating their wins?
  • Do you wait for others to take the lead, instead of stepping up and taking initiative?
  • Do you struggle to make decisions, second-guessing yourself?
  • Do you avoid going after goals because you’re afraid you’ll fail?
  • Do you shy away from conflict, even when standing up for yourself is necessary?
  • Do you avoid eye contact or feel uncomfortable in social situations?
  • Do you feel like you’re constantly struggling to navigate life, while others seem to move through it with ease?
  • Do you find it hard to set boundaries, often feeling taken advantage of in relationships?
  • Do you feel stuck, unable to take the first step toward your dreams because of self-doubt?
  • Do you compare yourself to others, feeling like you’ll never measure up?
  • Do you focus on your weaknesses, instead of recognizing and building on your strengths?
  • Do you struggle to maintain healthy, fulfilling relationships?
  • Do you find it hard to show yourself compassion, always being your own critic?
  • Do you take things personally, often feeling hurt or offended by others’ actions?

If Any of the Above Feels Familiar - You Are In Good Hands. Confidence Is a Skill You Can Learn.

  • The Ultimate Confidence Course is designed to help you overcome these challenges and develop the traits of truly confident people. Imagine a life where you:
  • Embrace failure as a stepping stone to success.
  • Speak up with clarity and authority.
  • Pursue your dreams fearlessly and unapologetically.
  • Build healthy, fulfilling relationships.
  • Move through the world with ease and self-assurance.
  • You don’t have to stay stuck. Confidence is within your reach, and this course is your roadmap to get there.

Arielle Ford

Bestselling Author of The Soulmate Secret and Turn Your Mate Into Your Soulmate, plus more titles.

"Elle Russ serves up an entertaining, unfiltered approach to catapult you on a path of warranted self-examination."

My Backstory

After graduating from UC Santa Cruz in 1995, I set an ambitious goal: make a ton of money, retire young, and enjoy life. By 22, I was on track. As a top producer at a Silicon Valley tech-consulting firm, I managed over 100 consultants, generated over 2 million dollars of revenue and manaed over 100 consultants throughout the state of California. My clients included Fortune 500 companies like Charles Schwab, Wells Fargo Bank, Bank of America, AT&T and many more. I had a huge private office with a beautiful view and a closet full of expensive suits.

Just as the ink was about to dry on a promotion that would have increased my annual earnings to a quarter of a million dollars… 

The universe intervened.

A repetitive strain injury left me with chronic pain in my hands and arms, and I was rated 40% disabled by the state of California. Overnight, my career, income, and confidence collapsed. I felt ashamed, "less than," and terrified for my future. Basic tasks like eating or dressing became excruciating. With 99.99% of professions requiring hand use, I felt unhireable at 23.

But I refused to give up. I realized my voice was my only tool to survive in a hand-dominated world. Over time, my hands healed enough to live without 24/7 pain, though flare-ups persist. This forced pause gave me space to redefine success—not by money or titles, but by perspective, self-esteem, and fulfillment.

My journey was dark and tear-filled, but I dove in with mindset, confidence and perseverance. I rebuilt my life, pursued my passions, and proved the naysayers wrong—despite my disability and the shame that came with it. Today, I’m proud of who I’ve become and the growth I’ve achieved. I want others to feel that same pride—not just in their accomplishments, but in their inner strength and self-love.

Today, I’m living my best life as a bestselling author, speaker, and show host. I am thriving in a beautiful home in my dream neighborhood, and sharing my life with a loving partner. From tragedy to triumph, I’ve built a life I’m deeply proud of—and I’m here to show you how to do the same.

I'm In!

Valentina P.

"I wanted to say how much I enjoy the Confidence course and how incredibly motivating it is to just listen to you. The examples you give just work wonders on me and I've been gradually applying your lessons in safe day to day interactions with friends to build more confidence."

Tanya Stewart Dyer, Esq.

Tanya Dyer, Esq. shows Alpha women & High Net Worth Families, how to end struggle & sacrifice in marriage. 

I know Elle and her work very well. I trust her to assist my own high net worth clients in her areas. And that says everything. She awakens in her people their own inner sense of confidence. That is very different from coaches who simply display strength that their clients “mimic”. She brings it out from INSIDE of you., so it stays with YOU.

I am a coach of Alpha women and an attorney. Elle is an Alpha who excels in her client’s defense. Whatever it is you need to be protected from, feel safe from, understand and unlock…she gives you that safe place. I’m honored to say I trust her and her work.

I’ve Been Where You Are—And I Know How It Feels.

At 23, my life changed overnight, but even before my disability, I was lost. I didn’t love life that much. I felt like I was just going through the motions—working a career that didn’t inspire me, waiting for the weekend, and counting down the days until my two weeks of vacation.

  • I know what it’s like to wake up every morning feeling like nothing will ever change
  • I know what it’s like to feel stuck in a job that drains you, working for someone else’s dreams instead of your own.
  • I know what it’s like to feel like you’re just existing, not living—like every day is a repeat, and your goals and dreams feel out of reach.
  • I know what it’s like to feel like you’re wasting your potential, but not knowing how to tap into it.
  • I know what it’s like to feel like you’re drifting through life without a clear direction, passion, or purpose.

I felt like I was second-guessing myself and doubting my ability to succeed. I let fear and self-doubt hold me back, and I once settled for a life that felt smaller than the one I knew I was capable of living.

  • I know what it’s like to feel invisible, like your voice doesn’t matter and your ideas aren’t valuable.
  • I know what it’s like to feel stuck in self-doubt, questioning your decisions and wondering if you’re good enough.
  • I know what it’s like to feel like you’re not living up to your potential, but not knowing how to break free from restrictive beliefs holding you back.
  • I know what it’s like to feel like giving up, like the obstacles in front of you are too big to overcome.
  • I know what it’s like to feel like confidence is something other people are born with, but not something you can ever truly have for yourself.

I was stuck in a cycle of hesitation, wondering if I’d ever find the courage to step into my power. But here’s the thing: I didn’t stay there. 

Through years of personal growth, self-discovery, and relentless perseverance, I learned that confidence and self-esteem aren’t fixed traits—they’re skills you can cultivate. I realized that believing in yourself isn’t about waiting for the perfect moment—it’s about taking action, even when you’re scared. 

My mission to help you do the same. You’re not alone. And more importantly, you don’t have to stay stuck in limbo, uncertainty, and hesitation.

Confidence isn’t something you’re born with—it’s something everyone can build. I’m here to help you build it through this course.

I'm Ready!
Interview With Elle
Kristine Carlson - Don't Sweat The Small Stuff Podcast

Confidence is a Superpower – And Building It Is FUN

Confidence is the key to unlocking success in all areas of life. Whether you're looking to find your perfect partner, climb the career ladder, be an amazing parent, or build a thriving business, confidence is the foundation upon which you build any success. But here’s the best part: working on your confidence isn’t just rewarding—it’s FUN! 

Imagine feeling lit up, inspired, and excited about your life every single day. Picture yourself laughing more, worrying less, and finally stepping into the bold, unapologetic version of yourself you’ve always wanted to be. That’s the magic of confidence—it’s not just about achieving goals; it’s about enjoying the journey and feeling alive while you do it.

Without true confidence, we miss out on opportunities, settle for less than we deserve, and struggle to make our voices heard. But here’s the thing: confidence is a skill you can learn, and the sooner you start, the sooner you’ll start living the life you’ve always dreamed of.

The Ultimate Confidence Course is for everyone. Whether you’re a high-achieving entrepreneur, a stay-at-home parent, a corporate badass, a life coach, or someone simply wanting to level up their self-esteem, this course is your roadmap to a happier, more relaxed, and more fulfilling life.


  • Confidence is contagious. As you build it, you’ll notice how it inspires everyone around you—your friends, family, coworkers, and even strangers.
  • It’s empowering to see yourself grow. Every small win, every “aha” moment, and every step forward feels like a victory worth celebrating.
  • You’ll fall in love with the process. Listening to the course content will leave you feeling inspired, motivated, and ready to take on the world.
  • Confidence opens doors to joy. Confident people are the happiest people in the world. They’re emotionally stable, have a constructive outlook, and radiate self-acceptance.

Why This Course Is Different 

I "walk-the-talk" when it comes to confidence. In this course, I don’t just rattle off generic tips and to-do lists—I provide specific, real-world examples that you can see in your own life.

When you become confident as fu*k, it emanates from you naturally because it’s who you are—not a manufactured or false version of you. And the best part? Confidence is a CHOICE. You generate it; no one can give it to you.

Confidence isn’t about pretending to be someone you’re not; it’s about becoming the best version of yourself.

So, are you ready to have some fun, transform your life, and unlock your potential?

Ashleigh VanHouten

 Ashleigh VanHouten 

Author of cookbooks It Takes Guts, and Carnivore-ish, health coach and co-founder of Muscle Science For Women Podcast

"I've personally watched Elle transform so many people's lives in such a powerful way. She's often the first person I go to for advice, whether it's about health or life (check out her book, Confident as Fu*k, if you want to learn more about the latter). Elle is exactly the person you want to have on your team as you navigate the world of thyroid health, and honestly, crushing life in general."

Testimonial - Lauren Grace Martinson 

Lauren Martinson is a superstar clinical hypnotherapist and coach  - she was a student in a group confidence coaching program I previously offered.

Lauren Grace Martinson
Audio Clip - Testimonial

Testimonial - Barbara Diaz De Leon RN, PHC, CTNC 

After Barbara was in the group coaching confidence program I previously offered...she went on to author the #1 bestselling book Feel Great in 28! Her confidence has soared and she is the perfect example of it never being too late to succeed at this.

Barbara Diaz De Leon RN, PHC, CTNC
Audio Clip - Testimonial
Sign me up!



  • They are comfortable with failures and mistakes
  • They are generally happy
  • They never hesitate to speak up
  • They get what they want out of life and fearlessly pursue their dreams
  • They speak with authority
  • They are dependable, reliable, trustworthy, and on time
  • They encourage, foster, and celebrate the success of others
  • They take initiative
  • They are leaders
  • They are decisive
  • They are goal-oriented
  • They don’t avoid conflict
  • They maintain eye contact
  • They move through the world with ease
  • They draw and maintain healthy boundaries in all relationships
  • They go after their dreams and goals with faith and confidence
  • They are not jealous or envious of others
  • They don’t compete with or against others
  • They have an abundance mindset 
  • They focus on their strengths, not weaknesses
  • They have healthy relationships
  • They have self-compassion
  • They are not easily offended

Do you embody all of the qualities and characteristics listed above? If not (but desire to), then The Ultimate Confidence Course is for you.

Arriane Alexander

Life & Business Coach

"I've been a Professional Life and Business Coach for over 20 years, and Elle is my go to Coach when I need my own boost of inspiration, advice, and feedback. She is a brilliant Coach and she's so smart at looking at things from a unique perspective. Elle gets curious and asks reflective questions to help me get unstuck, and then gives me great feedback on next steps. As a business coach. Elle is the best. She knows exactly how to set up an online course, write a book, get a business started...anything you would need to support your business! Her combination of business smarts, spiritual perspective, common sense, and expertise in bringing levity and fun into every situation makes her an awesome Coach and asset to anyone who hires her."


Having confidence provides an evolutionary edge. It helps us navigate mental, emotional, and physical challenges, as well as social situations, with courage over fear—propelling us toward materializing our goals and dreams.

Confidence wasn’t optional for our hunter-gatherer ancestors—it was essential for survival. Their world was brutal, unpredictable, and relentless. Picture this: after days of tracking prey, they come up empty-handed. Or they finally find water, only to discover it’s undrinkable. Could they afford to wallow in self-pity or label themselves failures? Absolutely not. They didn’t dwell on setbacks; they regrouped, adapted, and pushed forward. Every challenge was met with resilience, every obstacle a lesson to refine their approach. Survival depended on their ability to act with purpose, accept unfavorable outcomes, and keep moving toward the next opportunity.

True confidence, like that of our ancestors, means seeing challenges as only feedback, not failure, and taking action despite setbacks.

After coaching people all over the world for a decade, I can tell you that wealth, success, and notoriety don’t make people confident. Great parenting doesn’t do it either. Confidence must be generated from within.

And watch out—don’t let someone’s career title or income fool you into thinking they’re confident. You can appear confident on the outside while being an insecure people-pleaser on the inside. We often mistake extroverted, forceful personalities for true confidence, leading to poor judgments—like choosing the wrong mate or business partner.

The truth is, everyone has areas of their life that need more self-esteem and confidence. You can be a badass boss with wealth but lack confidence in personal or romantic relationships. You might excel in certain skills yet struggle to speak up or set boundaries in other areas of life.

Sometimes, the most confident person in the room is the quietest. Confidence isn’t always loud; it can be calm, steady, and unshakable. Don’t let reserved personalities or silence fool you into thinking someone lacks confidence. True confidence is an inner strength—one that you can cultivate, no matter where you start.

Susan Bratton

Intimacy Expert to Millions

"Elle's confidence book is a pick me up and filled with good stories, classic wisdom and smart contributions. She shies away from nothing! Holistic confidence, across the surface area of your life experience. Read this sweet book and feel good!" 


The Ultimate Confidence Course is right for you if...

  • You want to excel in all areas of life
  • You want to be admired and respected
  • You want to be a leader
  • You want to feel inspired and motivated
  • You want to fearlessly manifest your goals and dreams
  • You want better relationships of all kinds
  • You want to speak up more in life
  • You want to create and honor more boundaries with others and with yourself
  • You want to be free from codependency
  • You want to be happy and feel immensely grateful
  • You want to succeed
  • You want to finally pursue that dream you have been hiding from.
  • You want to do your life, your way
  • You just want to be happy
Let's do this!

Mark Sisson

New York Times Bestselling Author & Founder of Primal Kitchen Foods & Peluva Footwear

"Elle has framed her professional life into one dedicated to helping others—both healing and nourishing the physical body and also nurturing the spirit. She will help you help yourself, but you are going to have to do the hard work and the deep reflection. Elle is not about subtlety, soft touches, or nuance. She is dedicated to excellence, transformation, and never looking back, feeling sorry for herself, or turning away from a challenge!"


Let's Get Confident!


14 hours of content + A BONUS Course!

  • A digital copy of my book Confident As Fu*k
  • 10+ hours of audio tutorials with Elle
  • Confidence Masterclass 90-minute video
  • 7 Secrets to Manifesting Success with Confidence (Ebook and Workbook)
  • Empowered Intention (Journal)
  • Confidence Affirmations Mp3
  • 2-hour conversation on confidence with master coach and marriage/relationship consultant Tanya Stewart Dyer, Esq.
  • 1.5 hour conversation on confidence with Cindy Lu - master coach and author of the bestselling book The Four Man Plan.
  • 1-hour conversation Lauren Grace Martinson, founder of LGM Hypnosis and LGM Coaching. She is a certified clinical hypnotherapist specializing in mindset coaching.
  • You will have guaranteed access to The Ultimate Confidence Course (and Communicate) for one year after you enroll and you can complete at your own pace.
  • Must be 18 years of age or older to purchase  


With your purchase comes free and exclusive access to a fun mini-course with 6 hours of tutorials on writing, speaking, and self-promotion, called COMMUNICATE.